About us

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Our services are created in a result oriented manner. Derfor jobber vi med våre kunder gjennom å hjelpe de å sette  strategier med konkrete mål og tiltak. In addition we want those who work with us to have an understanding of which concrete steps they need to take in order to reach their goals. This includes understanding their challenges, but also having the tools to solve then.   

Vi har forståelse for at folk er svært opptatte, så vi gjør samarbeid enkle og effektive..

om big enough global - kimiya sajjadi - mangfold og inkludering
Formue is one of the companies we have worked with in 2022.
Endring av retning - rammeverk og systematisk arbeid

In 2022 we started consulting companies in how they could work systematically with diversity and inclusion. This is because we observed that many companies implemented measures without understanding how they could work systematically with diversity. The absence of a systematic approach makes it hard to gain any results. 

Eventhough our main focus has changed, we still help clients with recruiting and retaining multicultural talents. 

Why multicultural diversity?

Big Enough Global was started because we experienced that many leaders and HR-personnel found it difficult to recruit and retain multicultural talents. We saw that they did not understand the strengths, challenges, and needs that multicultural people might have. Without this knowledge, they could not create an inclusive workplace for them. Our organization specializes in multicultural diversity because we saw the need to work towards it. 

“Multicultural people” are a diverse group of people. Our goal is therefore not to give the businesses a precise answer on how all people with multicultural background are. Instead, we want to make companies aware of things they are not aware of today. The more knowledge you get, the more you will be able to include.

daniel siraj derya incedursun lorena carthy wilmot - veien til lederkarrieren
April 1. 2022 we created a carrier network for multicultural talents. The picture is from the first event with Daniel Siraj, Derya Incedursun, and Lorena Carthy-Wilmot as panelists.
Våre verdier

Our values are reflected in the way we treat each other and our customers.

For us this work is not just about creating more innovative and profitable companies. It is also about building a society with less inequality and more fairness. Most importantly, it is about taking care of people.

Dare to challenge

We consider it necessary to challenge each other and our customers on the state of affairs in order to create change. It is when we go beyond our comfort zone we grow.


We believe that understanding which situation people different from ourselves and companies find them selvevs in is the key to creating change and growth.


Working with diversity can become an inspiration and one-time project. We are here to create results, and that will shape the way we work.

Our main business partner
samarbeid med big enough global - mangfold og inkludering - mangfoldsledelse

Vår hovesamarbeidspartner er advokatfirmaet Thommessen. De har støttet oss økonomisk, og gjennom juridisk bistand siden selskapet startet opp. I dag støtter de vårt karrierenettverk for flerkulturelle.